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1963 Studebaker Avanti 'Reggie Jackson Collector Series' (1/25) (fs)
1963 Studebaker Avanti 'Reggie Jackson Collector Series' (1/25) (fs)
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Our Price: $56.90

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: AMT-PK-4181

Issued in 1981 and manufactured in the USA, the AMT Avanti has always been highly acclaimed by builders. With posable steering and opening doors, many point to this kit as a jump forward in tooling engineering. Why Reggie Jackson? For most, Reggie Jackson means Baseball, period. However as most auto buffs at the time knew, he is also an avid car enthusiast.  His automotive "dugout" ranged from a 1923 T-Bucket to a late model Rolls Royce. Some of Reggie's "AMT Collectable" hits include a 1959 Corvette, 1932 Ford Roadster, a '63 Cobra Roadster, and this  '63 Avanti...a fun kit to collect or build!
  • Stock and Custom Headlights and Bumpers
  • Stock and Twin Supercharger Engine Options
  • Poseable Steering and Opening Doors

Tamiya Pure White Lacquer Spray Bare-Metal Foil Ultra Bright Chrome Silver Bare-Metal Foil Chrome Silver Tamiya Bright Orange Lacquer Spray
Our Price: $7.49

Our Price: $8.95

Our Price: $8.95

Our Price: $7.49

Tamiya Pure White Lacquer Spray Bare-Metal Foil Ultra Bright Chrome Silver Bare-Metal Foil Chrome Silver Tamiya Bright Orange Lacquer Spray
Standard Clear Stackable Showcase Display Case (1/25, 1/24) (fs) Tamiya Telefonica Racing Blue Lacquer Spray
Our Price: $14.99

Our Price: $7.49

Standard Clear Stackable Showcase Display Case Tamiya Telefonica Racing Blue Lacquer Spray

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